Class P0SJ03a ( 9 & under) Lead Rein & Class P0SJ03b (10 up) Off Lead - POLE ON GROUND - IDEAL TIME

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SANESA KZN Core League Q1 11-12 March 2023
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1463937 - MUvor3MyC7
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1463999 - Ho7i3j9FYY
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1463997 - Z4boGWffYw
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1464199 - 46CZQ9kZnP
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1464186 - fKHgNdM2eN
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1464068 - 9hirqve6p6
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1464104 - 5fCUnS64JG
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1463750 - UejgCoaRga
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1463747 - JdN5sC5A7f
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1463854 - XMBa69KjeD
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1463809 - RZ4VsPYtHJ
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1463816 - Tci5SukDKL
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1463744 - biny4mS6j2
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1463755 - Rp3TknmTMJ
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