P0SJ02b (10 up) Off Lead - JUMPING 40cm A2 COMPETITION

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SANESA Tshwane Q2 15 - 16 April 2023
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1796773 - BTinENALUe
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1796861 - PuFaFRNi34
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1797006 - JiUU5PJ7cZ
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1797537 - YFn4CZvZ2y
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1796553 - 5x9amU4RLr
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1797302 - FpBWd92iZY
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1797109 - K35n6FEpX7
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1796429 - Z6xndzZFfm
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1797665 - 2wkQuAzg2E
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1797640 - g9tjYYr7om
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1797603 - AtbGkVxp7g
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1797623 - das9gk22WG
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1797527 - SBEHJq5DEw
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1797566 - N5ydsEs7iQ
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1797579 - XqiUVeLc2g
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