Class 3: J/A1.20m A2 Comp

Archived events are available for viewing and orders can be place, but do note that processing can take up to 7 days to retrieve original media from the archive.
The Epol Graded & Training Show (Jumping) 3 - 4 September 2022
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319697 - PYeqRMvdoR
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319698 - a7NttDjdpr
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319705 - hbuwUr5FZX
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319706 - CFU7q94Q8R
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313925 - 5uyzAxpzsH
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319712 - mh6mLiXVEh
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319713 - bodvLaHFpb
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319722 - HZx8XSHmXV
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319723 - MyrodXtNKM
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319731 - Q6hko8uLEz
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319730 - WVBf8qMTWV
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319739 - E96EaNbsMg
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319740 - hwJmfczkGy
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319748 - 9h7SeWFkrQ
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319749 - WhJcbUqJLE
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319755 - RaHdETdNGM
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319756 - GRMT7HV8Yy
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