P0SJ03a - (9 & under) lead rein JUMPING 30cm Ideal Time

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SANESA Sedibeng Q1 11 - 12 March 2023
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1397922 - Uvu5tP5oCf
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1397978 - Y7yaAzeDAv
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1398095 - fKtuLT8JiX
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1398122 - i4SVcZ3YWk
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1397935 - 4KTuWE48Mw
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1397961 - 69hTLdaeha
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1398004 - frRSUcyzCm
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1398021 - GXE4LBTe4x
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1397905 - 4W7uvL5w3V
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1397907 - QB9BpfjHTG
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1397889 - NyktEm48Rj
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1397887 - XMUtGbmV4A
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1398047 - ZfeLTaJGVb
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1398172 - kMsc4GCABd
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1398167 - 9V37NAZCqq
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1398133 - GX2umKfLMJ
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1398059 - TdrEMKQZmv
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1398087 - YK6EU6gzDz
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1398200 - 8AdvsDehYY
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1398211 - GytDjAHZaT
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